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香港中小企協會是一個於 2010 年成立的非牟利工商社團,旨在代表和維護香港中小型企業的權益。服務對象包括各行各業的中小型企業東主、提供專業服務的人士以及從事中小型企業研究的學者等。協會為會員拓展網絡,排難解紛,製造商機,並提高企業管理質素及生產力,以增強自身競爭力。

HKSMEA is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2010. Its main objective is to represent and protect the rights and interests of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hong Kong. The association caters to owners of small and medium-sized businesses from various fields, professionals, and researchers who focus on SMEs. We aim to help our members expand their networks, resolve issues, create business opportunities, and enhance their corporate management quality and productivity to stay competitive.
